Vodafone India plans to launch its 4G services in Mumbai on February 10, reports the Economic Times. The Mumbai launch event will be presided over by the company chief Sunil Sood, says the report.
Economic Times also mentions that Vodafone India had opened the 4G service to its local staff for initial feedback on the network and that the actual launch will happen in phases across the city.
The telecom company had already rolled out 4G-ready SIMs early in January in anticipation of the launch. The 4G SIMs are available at all of its 56 exclusive stores in and around Mumbai.
To avail 4G services, customers will need to have a 4G-enabled handset and a new 4G-Ready SIM card. Customers can walk into a Vodafone store and exchange their old SIMs for a new 4G-ready one. Customers’ data plans will be automatically upgraded to 4G as soon as the service launches.
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